Log into your account and select “Students”. Use the drop-down menu to select Benchmark Comparison. Once the correct roster is selected, click onto the Plus icon next to the measure you wish to monitor with. In the Goals details window, select the duration of the schedule and the frequency of data collection. Use the calendar icon, the +/- to advance or decrease by week, or the slider bar. Also, select your data collection frequency of monthly or weekly. Select the end goal score and percentile by using the +/-, data entry box, or slider bar. Pay attention to the ending percentile rank and the extent of the goal.
We suggest that you set the goal to be in the “closes the gap” to “ambitious” range. Select your intervention by clicking the “+” plus icon in the upper right of the Intervention Assignment area. *Keep in mind that your intervention must have been entered prior to selecting it here. Click onto “Save” in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. You will be able to see the schedule and data by going to various screens such as Students > Monitor, Student Profile, or Benchmark Comparison.