General Ability Index (GAI) Web Tool
Downloading and using the WISC-IV General Ability Index Utility
Follow these steps to download the Microsoft® EXCEL application and obtain the General Ability Index for WISC®-IV. Please note that this utility is supported in Microsoft® EXCEL 2000 or higher.
- Click the link below to save the tool to your computer.
- When prompted, click on the "Save" button and select a location on your local computer. (The tool will not work if "Open" is selected instead of "Save.")
- When prompted, click Enable Macros.
- Upon launching the tool for the first time, you will be prompted to accept the Software License Agreement.
- Click the Input Data Button. A window will display to enter all demographic data.
- Enter all demographic data, the PRI and VCI Sum of Scaled Scores, and the FSIQ.
- Click the Score GAI Button.
- The GAI Scores Summary and FSIQ – GAI Discrepancy Comparison scores are presented.
- You may not save any data on the GAI utility. Excel’s Save commands will be disabled.
- Any data entered directly on the spreadsheet’s cells will be overwritten by the utility when the Score GAI Button is clicked.
- To reenter data, select the Input Data Button.