BASC-3 Flex Monitor
Track the effectiveness of behavior interventions
The Flex Monitor is an indispensable member of the BASC™-3 family of assessments! It enables psychologists and professionals in a school or clinical environment to monitor and track the effectiveness of a behavioral intervention plan. Completely web-based, efficient, and comprehensive, the Flex Monitor allows you to create a BRIEF and custom assessment that can be used to track changes in behavioral and emotional functioning to help pinpoint an issue for intervention.
Behavioral specialists, school psychologists, clinicians, and other professionals can use the the BASC-3 Flex Monitor to help:
- Monitor and track the progress of behavior intervention plans
- Demonstrate the effectiveness of school-wide behavioral expectation programs
- Develop custom progress monitoring forms
- Promote the involvement of teachers, parents, and students addressing behavioral and emotional concerns
The BASC-3 Flex Monitor includes teacher, parent, and self-report forms that are to be used in conjunction with Q-global®, a secure online system for administering, scoring, and reporting test results.
An overview of the BASC-3 Flex Monitor
Our Healthcare Assessment Consultant, Jarett Lehner, has outlined this important facet of the BASC-3 family, detailing the benefits and uses of the Flex Monitor in a variety of settings like yours.
To add this vital BASC-3 component to your behavior improvement plan, visit the BASC-3 Flex Monitor page to order.
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