Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen

The Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen is a reliable, valid, and user-friendly screener for individuals who may be at risk for dyslexia. Using national evidence and populations with and without dyslexia, this teacher observation (for K-3) or self-rating scale offers mass screening capabilities efficiently and effectively for students in kindergarten through Grade 3, as well as adolescents and adults ages 14-65. Additionally, an empirically-validated Corrections Form supports screening in supervised populations and can be administered on paper or digitally integrated with GED testing. See our Guidance on using this assessment remotely.
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Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen on Q-global Virtual 3 Hours
A103000072510 Qualification Level B

This 3-hour session introduces participants to the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen on Q-global. Participants will be provided with an overview of dyslexia and the conversation around dyslexia identification. This session will also include instructions on how to navigate the platform, administer the screener, and analyze results. Price includes up to 30 people per session.

Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.



Training details

Audience: This session is targeted for experienced Q-global users who are new to the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen.

Course description: This 3-hour session introduces participants to the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen on Qglobal. Participants will be provided with an overview of dyslexia and the conversation around dyslexia identification. This session will also include instructions on how to navigate the platform, administer the screener, and analyze results.

Learning objectives: After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Define dyslexia
  • Identify the components of the hybrid model for dyslexia identification
  • Select tools for screening and assessment
  • Administer the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen
  • Describe the process for administering the Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen on Q-global
  • Identify appropriate interventions and support resources
  • Stay in touch