Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children | Fifth Edition Spanish

WISC-V Spanish

Adapted from the proven and reliable WISC-V, the WISC-V Spanish provides a culturally and linguistically valid test of cognitive ability in Spanish for use with Spanish-speaking children.

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WISC-V Spanish Administration, Scoring, and Basic Interpretation In Person 6 Hours
A103000196027 Qualification Level C

This 6-hour session is designed for individuals who require a comprehensive understanding of the WISC–V Spanish. The presenters will describe and demonstrate administration and scoring of the subtests and basic interpretation of the results. Using sample data, the presenters will show how to analyze WISC–V Spanish profiles by considering primary, ancillary, and complementary indexes and how to decide which index to use to determine an examinee’s eligibility for direct specialized instruction. Price includes up to 40 people per session.

Training orders will be processed within 5-7 business days of order placement. A training consultant will contact you to coordinate your training. Training dates are scheduled no earlier than 5 weeks from order placement.



Training details

Audience: This session is targeted for users new to the WISC–V Spanish and users who wish to familiarize themselves with subtest administration and scoring and interpretation of results.

Course description: This 6-hour session is designed for individuals who require a comprehensive understanding of the WISC–V Spanish. The presenters will describe and demonstrate administration and scoring of the subtests and basic interpretation of the results. Using sample data, the presenters will show how to analyze WISC–V Spanish profiles by considering primary, ancillary, and complementary indexes and how to decide which index to use to determine an examinee’s eligibility for direct specialized instruction.

Learning objectives: After attending this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the administration directions of WISC–V Spanish subtests
  • Discuss the constructs measured by the subtests and the abilities related to performance of the tasks
  • List the indexes provided by the WISC-V Spanish
  • Use sample WISC-V Spanish results to describe cognitive strengths and weaknesses
  • Describe the purpose of the WISC-V Spanish Language Questionnaire
  • Discuss when to use language-adjusted scaled scores

Spanish Assessments

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