Escala de Inteligencia de Wechsler para preescolar y primaria | Cuarta edición, Spain Version
WPPSI-IV Spain- This revision of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence includes extensive and notable enhancements that are targeted to benefit both children and examiners. The result is an innovative measure of cognitive ability for preschoolers and young children that’s rooted in contemporary theory and research. WPPSI also places a strong emphasis on child-friendly, developmentally appropriate features for children ages 2 years, 6 months to 7 years, 7 months (2:6-7:7).
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WPPSI-IV Spain Q-global Paquete de Componentes (Digital)
A103000223234 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes Stimulus Book 1 (Digital), Stimulus Book 3 (Digital), and 2 Manuals (Digital). Once ordered, the digital assets are accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. They are view-only digital files. To order a WPPSI-IV Spain Complete Kit, order this item and A103000223245.
WPPSI-IV Spain Paquete de Componentes (Print)
A103000223245 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes Stimulus Book 2 (Print), 25 Record Forms Ages 2:6-3:11 (Print), 25 Record Forms Ages 4:0-7:6 (Print), 25 Response Booklet 1 (Print), 25 Response Booklet 2 (Print), 25 Response Booklet 3 (Print), 6 Zoo Locations Layouts, 64 Zoo Locations Cards, 13 Object Assembly Puzzles, Wechsler Standard Block Set, 2 Daubers, and 1 set of Scoring Keys for Cancellation, Animal Coding, and Bug Search subtests. To order a WPPSI-IV Spain Complete Kit, order this item and A103000223234.
WPPSI-IV Spain Q-global Manual de Aplicacion y Correccion (Digital)
A103000067689 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.
WPPSI-IV Spain Q-global Manual Tecnico y de Interpretacion (Digital)
A103000067690 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.
WPPSI-IV Spain Q-global Cuaderno de Estimulos 1 (Digital)
A103000071553 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes Dibujos, Cubos, Informacion, and Nombres. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.
WPPSI-IV Spain Q-global Cuaderno de Estimulos 2 (Print)
A103000067707 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes Reconocimiento. This item is in print-only due to established print-to-digital equivalency concerns.
WPPSI-IV Spain Q-global Cuaderno de Estimulos 3 (Digital)
A103000071554 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes Cubos, Informacion, Matrices, Semejanzas, Conceptos, Vocabulario, Comprension. Once ordered, the digital asset is accessible by logging into Q-global and visiting the Q-global Resource Library. It is a view-only digital file.
WPPSI-IV Spain Q-global Informe de Resultados Qty 1 (Digital)
A103000071635 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 1 score report for the WPPSI-IV Spain (Digital)
WPPSI-IV Spain Cuadernillo de Anotacion Edad 2:6 a 3:11 Qty 25 (Print)
A103000067709 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Record Forms for ages 2:6-3:11 (Print)
WPPSI-IV Spain Cuadernillo de Anotacion Edad 4:0 a 7:7 Qty 25 (Print)
A103000067693 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Record Forms for ages 4:0-7:7 (Print)
WPPSI-IV Spain Cuadernillo de Respuestas 1 Qty 25 (Print)
A103000067694 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Response Booklet 1 Forms (Print)
WPPSI-IV Spain Cuadernillo de Respuestas 2 Qty 25 (Print)
A103000067695 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Response Booklet 2 Forms (Print)
WPPSI-IV Spain Cuadernillo de Respuestas 3 Qty 25 (Print)
A103000067696 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 25 Response Booklet 3 Forms (Print)
WPPSI-IV Spain Q-global Juego de Plantillas de Correccion Qty 1 (Print)
A103000067700 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes all scoring keys for the WPPSI-IV Spain version.
WPPSI-IV Spain 3 Planos de Localizacion Qty 1 (Print)
A103000067704 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 1 set of 6 zoo location layouts (on 3 double-sided cards) for the Zoo Locations subtest.
WPPSI-IV Spain Caja de Tarjetas de Animales para Localizacion Qty 1 (Print)
A103000067705 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 1 set of 64 zoo cards for the Zoo Locations subtest.
WPPSI-IV Spain Caja con 13 Puzles para Rompecabezas Qty 1 (Print)
A103000067706 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 1 set of 13 puzzles for the Object Assembly subtest.
WPPSI-IV Spain Manual Tecnico y de Interpretacion (Print)
A103000360643 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 1 Technical and Interpretive Manual (Print)
WPPSI-IV Spain Manual de Aplicacion y Correccion (Print)
A103000360644 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes 1 Administration and Scoring Manual (Print)
WPPSI-IV Spain Juego Completo (Print)
A103000360645 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes includes 1 Administration and Scoring Manual (Print), 1 Technical and Interpretive Manual (Print), 3 Stimulus Books (Print), 25 each of Response Booklets 1, 2, and 3 (Print), 25 Record Forms for ages 2:6-3:11 (Print), 25 Record Forms for ages 4:0-7:7 (Print), 6 Zoo Locations layouts, 64 Zoo Locations Cards, 13 Object Assembly Puzzles, Wechsler Standard Block Set, 2 orange daubers, and 1 set of scoring key for Cancellation, Animal Coding, and Bug Search subtests, and a rolling bag with luggage tag.
WPPSI-IV Spain Luggage Tag
A103000360640 Qualification Level APublished by Pearson Spain; includes 1 luggage tag
WPPSI-IV Spain Cuaderno de Estimulos 1 (Print)
A103000360641 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes Dibujos, Cubos, Informacion, and Nombres
WPPSI-IV Spain Cuaderno de Estimulos 3 (Print)
A103000360642 Qualification Level CPublished by Pearson Spain; includes Cubos, Informacion, Matrices, Semejanzas, Conceptos, Vocabulario, Comprension
Administración, Puntuación e Interpretación Básica de WPPSI-IV Spain Webinar 6 Horas: 30 de mayo
A103000407443 Qualification Level C10:00 AM - 4:00 PM ET
Viernes, 30 de mayo, 2025Esta sesión introduce la Escala de Inteligencia de Wechsler para Preescolar y Primaria, Cuarta edición, Spain Version (WPPSI-IV Spain), una evaluación cognitiva de vanguardia para niños de 2:6-7:7 años. En esta sesión se presentarán las últimas actualizaciones, incluyendo características más lúdicas y apropiadas para niños pequeños, ajustadas a su desarrollo, así como subtests e índices. Los profesionales también realizarán prácticas de aplicación y corrección, adquiriendo confianza en el uso de esta herramienta de evaluación en su trabajo.
Un representante de atención al cliente se pondrá en contacto con usted dentro de 2 días hábiles después de la realización del pedido con el enlace Zoom para el registro.
- Publication date:
- 2014
- Age range:
- 2:6–7:7
- Completion time:
- 30–45 min (2:6 – 3:11); 45–60 min (4:0 – 7:7)
- Administration:
- Digital assets on Q-global®, paper record forms, response booklets, and manipulatives
- Scoring options:
- Manual scoring
Product Details
Perfectly adapted to children’s developing maturity with a fun and engaging format and content. Includes new measures of working memory. "This newest version stands tall alongside the WISC®-IV and WAIS®-IV in every way imaginable — technical excellence, clinical study, innovativeness, theoretical basis, and societal relevance.” Alan S. Kaufman — Yale Child Study, School of Medicine. Benefits
FeaturesAn innovative measure of cognitive development for preschoolers and young children
Datos del producto
Perfectamente adaptada al desarrollo madurativo de los niños. Con formato y contenido lúdicos. Nuevas medidas de memoria de trabajo. "Esta nueva revisión de la WPPSI está a la altura de la WISC-IV y de la WAIS-IV en todos los aspectos: excelencia técnica, utilidad clínica, innovación, fundamentación teórica y relevancia social” Alan S. Kaufman — Yale Child Study, School of Medicine. Beneficios
CaracterísticasInnovadora medida para la evaluación del funcionamiento cognitivo de los niños pequeños. Esta revisión de la escala de Wechsler para preescolar y primaria incorpora amplias y notables mejoras, dirigidas al beneficio tanto del niño como del evaluador. El resultado es una innovadora medida de la capacidad cognitiva basada en las teorías e investigaciones contemporáneas, y más adecuada al desarrollo madurativo de los niños de 2 años y 6 meses a 7 años y 7 meses (2:6 a 7:7).

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