Social-Emotional Skills that Enable Early Academic Success Webinar (Recording)

Presenter(s): Stephen N Elliott, PhD

This session focuses on assessment and teaching of 15 social-emotional skills demonstrated to facilitate social and academic engagement and learning of young children.

This session focuses on assessment and teaching of 15 social-emotional skills demonstrated to facilitate social and academic engagement and learning of young children. The featured assessments are based on the Social Skill Improvement System™ (SSIS). The screening assessment, the SSIS Social-Emotional Learning Brief Scales (SSIS™-SEL Brief Scales) can be completed by teachers and parents in five minutes and provides an overall social-emotional competency level, providing an emerging, developing, competent, and advanced score, with details that link directly to an instructional program, the SSIS™ SEL Preschool Instructional Program (SSIS™ SEL PIP). In this program, teachers can use a powerful Tell-Show-Do-Practice-Progress Monitor instructional method and monitor children’s progress using the SSIS SEL Screening/Progress Monitoring Scales to refine instruction and communicate with others about student learning.  


Social-Emotional Skills that Enable Early Academic Success Webinar (Recording)
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