Improving Mental Health and Behavioral Outcomes Through Individualized Progress Monitoring Webinar (Recording)

Join this one-hour session which examines using progress monitoring to collect data and improve student social-emotional and behavioral outcomes.

Presenter(s): Dr. Cecil Reynolds, Dr. Tammy Hughes, and Dr. Cydney Quinn

This session examines how to use progress monitoring to collect data to improve student social-emotional and behavioral outcomes. Specifically, we will discuss how this process can be individualized to examine individual student improvement in alignment with the IEPs of students identified as Special Ed, those with behavioral plans, or students supported within an MTSS framework. The session will also discuss how this information can be used to evaluate the efficacy of supports and interventions and to guide adjustments to treatment or interventions.


Improving Mental Health and Behavioral Outcomes Through Individualized Progress Monitoring Webinar (Recording)
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